Project Cargo Terminal Aircraft Parking and Movement Areas

Airport/Facilities Planning & Design

Bogotá, Colombia, South America

Project Description

The Grupo Operadora Aeroportuaria Internacional (OPAIN) concession has proposed to the Government of Colombia to fully modernize and expand El Dorado International Airport. The main goal is to efficiently accommodate and support 16 million passengers and 1.5 million tons of cargo annually by the end of the 20-year planning horizon. A major portion of the improvements and modernization is to develop a new state-of-the-art cargo terminal.

In order to assist in accomplishing the near-term cargo development goals of OPAIN, Airis International Holdings LLC contracted our team to prepare a Verification Report of the proposed Cargo Aircraft Movement Areas in order to determine the viability and feasibility of incorporating “Option 3 / 4” as proposed by Airis as the primary alternative for cargo development at El Dorado International Airport. This request for verification analyses is primarily the result of an effort to enhance and improve upon Cargo Development “Option 1” as depicted in the Airport Master Plan.

OPAIN also contracted our team to provide planning and design services for the aircraft parking configuration and airside movement areas for the Phase 1: Cargo Terminal Development.

Services provided include:
  • Preliminary airport, runway, and cargo capacity analysis based on the airport master plan and latest statistical information.
  • Analysis of aircraft operating based on the airport’s existing instrument approach procedures and capabilities.
  • Analysis of options 1 through 4 based on physical facilities, location, and capacity.
  • ICAO Obstacle Clearance Surfaces study, including an analysis of all relevant runway and taxiway safety areas.
  • Critical aircraft determination and design criteria formulation.
  • ICAO Code F / Airbus A-380 feasibility assessment.
  • Simulation of cargo apron aircraft and GSE equipment maneuvering utilizing Pathplanner™ software.
  • Provided recommendations for alternative Option 3 development.
  • Determination of aircraft fleet mix
  • Preparation of design documents for the aircraft parking configuration and remote aircraft parking stands

Services Rendered

  • Airport Facility Planning
  • Cost Estimating
  • Design & Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Technology Planning